Live Behind The Veil On the New York City Podcast Network

A Trumpet Call For This New Day!

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Summary Many voices gather to speak and create the new year ahead The Feast of Trumpets begins a new year a calling of people to gather and announcing the arrival of the King Those who have been prepared speak and frame the next year Show Notes Numbers 10 gives us 7 functions for blowing the trumpets 1 Corinthians 14 7 8 talk about a distinct sound in various instruments The bugle if indistinct how will one prepare for battle The trumpet relates to prophetic utterance References Exodus 19 16 Leviticus 26 2 Romans 12 1 Psalms 118 22-24 Joshua 1 3-5 8 Ezekiel 34 11-13 Joel 2 1 1 Peter 2 9 Joel 2 11 12 Joshua 5 13 14 Malachi 3 3 2 Acts 2 17 and Joel 2 28 Psalms 91 1-6 Matthew 24 31 and Mark 13 27 Jeremiah 31 34 and Hebrews 8 11 1 Thessalonians 5 5 8-9 Joshua 6 5 2 Peter 3 9 Psalms 98 1-3 Isaiah 61 10 11 Take Away Matthew 9 29 Be it done according to your faith Take this opportunity to speak and create the new year ahead for you and your family Click here to visit this podcast episode

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