Twin Paradox Book One Podcast On the New York City Podcast Network

Chapter Nineteen: Shah-zee

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Tonight we continue with Part Four Heroes and Scapegoats nbsp A ray of hope comes in the form of a charming relationship developing between Ozzie Guerrero and Shamiso Kachote nbsp They have become the subject of ship-wide gossip – everyone s all abuzz nbsp It s not difficult to be in the loop to be fair in that the two space twins have lived out their entire young adulthood onboard nbsp There s little in the way of juicy details that hasn t been passed around among crew members bored with their daily lives and looking for something interesting to talk about nbsp B J and Steinhart are also big fans of the pair nbsp They follow their exploits as though Hollywood celebrities nbsp Meanwhile Young-Min Jo is starting to tire of his role as caretaker of the ship s hydroponic gardens nbsp Biologically now twenty years old it s like he s in charge of a bunch of teenage stoners nbsp Click here to visit this podcast episode

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