#027 Is Incrementalism In Regards To Abortion A Sin?

#027 Is Incrementalism In Regards To Abortion A Sin?

Writing the title to this episode, once again, hit me in the gut. Incrementalism isn't bad, necessarily, in the context of being better than Incremental restrictions on Abortion, such as heartbeat bills and other regulatory measures, have been suggested as effective, and I would agree that every life saved is a victory. However, some have embraced the Incrementalist Strategy so fully that full abortion bans have been blocked by movements like National Right to Life. Add to this the controversy that, some of these more aggressive bills have had penalties for the woman who has the abortion. Now we have an interesting debate on our hands

The argument for Incrementalism makes sense from a human perspective, but does it make sense from a Godly one? After all, isn't Incrementalism another -ism? I understand the “both and” argument some will use to say we can run both efforts (Abolition and Incremental Regulation) concurrently, but when one of the biggest international Pro-life orgs actively blocks Abolitionist bills in Conservative led houses of state legislatures, and even nationally with a “Pro-Life” majority, we have a bit of a problem.

One might say that we couldn't put the bill through because of its stance towards women. I can get behind that, but these bills were aborted in committee, the language could have been removed all together, or better yet, clarified to say after such and such date, no more amnesty for women who have committed voluntary infanticide. After all, this is someone hacking apart or poisoning a baby. If that's baby was in NICU, we'd charge her with capital murder in some states. One could say that the Supreme Court could rule against it. Okay, how is this any different than what is already happening? Roe v Wade?

Are we consistent in our worldview? Have we allowed the Pro-Life movement to overshadow the work of the Lord? Have we religiously subscribed to Incrementalism so deeply, that when God has handed us a way to push a Pro-Life bill through a state, that we give up?

I guess God can't sway the minds of 4 justices.


