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Aug 7, 2020


School is quickly approaching, and everyone I know is prepping for the year to start. I’ve been thinking a lot about how different the school ecosystem is going to look for everyone: teachers, students, and parents.

Right now, during the COVID crisis, it seems like uncertainty, overwhelm, fear are our defaults. But when it comes to teachers standing in front of their students, energy matters in any kind of classroom.

My question is this: when is your energy certain, calm, and confident? When you can have that kind of energy, it’s going to positively affect your classroom.

There are a ton of different factors that impact what kind of energy you have, but for now, I’m going to talk about the externals.


For me, I know when I’ve set up my ecosystem to support me, I’m much more likely to have a calm, confident energy. I use the word ecosystem because environment isn’t expansive enough to cover what I’m talking about. Environment is part of it, but so are things like your systems, your expectations, your schedule and routine.


Here are four different areas you can focus on, so that your ecosystem generates an energy of certainty, calm, and confidence.

Organize your environment

  • This will look different for everyone – and that’s great for students
  • Seating arrangement
  • Décor/bulletin boards/etc.
  • Supplies

Create expectations

  • Behavior expectations
  • Positive/negative consequences
  • Student jobs/roles – adjust for virtual vs. face to face
    • Involvement can = buy-in
    • Attendance
    • Passing out papers
    • Timekeeper

Decide on Systems

  • Turning in work
  • Grading
  • Returning work
  • Responding to school’s internal expectations
  • Managing paperwork
  • Managing systems

Construct a Schedule

  • If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
  • Create your schedule & stick to it
  • Confidence = keeping your word to yourself
  • Gamify things
  • Takes a while but will eventually become automated

Environment, Expectations, Systems, and Schedule – if you can set yourself up in each of these areas (your ecosystem) you will show up with your students confident and ready to roll.


Your confidence is important because that energy translates to your students subconsciously. Your low-level anxiety = theirs.

Don’t re-create the wheel – talk to colleagues, see what works for them, and adapt their ideas to what works for you.

Creating your ecosystem is going to take some time and careful thought, especially if you’re new.

Reach out for help!