Doctor B’s Podcast is Delusional Optimism Helps Subscribers Approach the World with OPTIMISTIC mind!

Our newest podcast Delusional Optimism with Dr. B has us here at the World Podcast Network fascinated a new awareneess of how we think about and perceive ourselves. Listening to episodes like Neuroception and the Polyvagal Theory (her highlighted episode), we are learning about ourselves not only as adults, but how we also functioned as children. With episodes including the terms “Finding The Joy”, ACES, young adults, childhood bullying, addiction, we find quickly that this podcast is not only for people to understand themselves, but also for people who are looking to subscribe to podcasts in parenting, success, entrepreneurship, dealing with trauma, and positive thinking.

There is something for everyone in this podcast and Doctor B, along with her guests break it down both scientifically and in plain layman’s terms. I am addicted to this podcast and I think everyone should listen. The beginning of each episode is interesting. Different people of all ages introduce the podcast in the beginning. We love that introduction. Episodes are between 25 to 45 minutes long.

Why You Should Subscribe To This Podcast

Being someone who always wants to enjoy success, if you want to be a successful parent, teacher, or business owner, this podcast is one that people should subscribe to. Just listening to one episode and how Doctor B explains the human mind will hook potential subscribers. This podcast is also good for people who are looking for these themes:Resilience & Protective Factors, Child Development & Parenting, Emotions & Neuroscience, and Diversity & Equity.

The description of this podcast is explained on the Podbean page as “The goal is to connect and build a community that is open to learning how the brain works and what we can do to maximize our resilience, build protective factors into our world that support resilience from the beginning of life. Let’s Leave a Lifeprint!” – That alone hooked us.

The Highlighted Episode

The highlighted episode Neuroception and the Polyvagal Theory (her highlighted episode), may seem like a very scientific title, but this is a very interesting episode as Doctor B explains it in plain easy-to-understand terms and talks about the vagal / polyvagal and child development, relationships, emotions, regulation between people, and self-awareness.      

Listen to our podcast on podcasting success!