We Walk Beside You With Sandra Mendelson

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Have you ever looked at your furry friends and wondered What are you thinking about Sandra Mendelson opens the door to the breathtaking world of the animal consciousness wisdom and what animals understand about life and us with her new book and card deck We Walk Beside You Communicating through the vehicle of telepathy members of the animal kingdom step forward to reveal what they want humans to know From Blue Whales to our beloved animal companions they disclose witty and hilarious observations of human conduct and rectify our long held misconceptions about their behavior Even more significantly they deliver messages filled with hope inspiration and vision that are so badly needed in our current human world Sandra Mendelson facilitates a deeper understanding between humans and non-humans evolved from her work as a Certified Polychromatic Light Therapist Equine Photopuncture Therapist and Health Coach She is a channel of animal consciousness and shares messages from the animal kingdom for the benefit of human The author of multiple articles on human and animal well-being Mendelson is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Segment 1 Quotes of the Day The Universe Our happiest days are always before us Once we start to be open to what the universe can bring us it really is amazing what can happen Abraham Just because you put in a lot of effort doesn t necessarily mean you will be more abundant The key to bringing abundance in our lives is good vibrations -You can fool people but you can t fool the universe says Sam Segment 2 Sandra started having weird communication experiences with horses at a young age She would hear the horse answer her questions in her head It took her some time before she realized to spend more time in conscious creation than going from task to task -Earth Air Water and Fire They all have lessons for us What surprised her the most was that animals use all their five senses and a sixth sense at the same time They are not taken by surprise the way that humans are Segment 3 Do animals have memory Yes they do however they do not live in the past Animals are so close to humans they even take on names sometimes because they hear them in our heads Sandra had a squirrel experience where she tried to explain to the squirrel about a lake she likes to go to and the squirrel responded by saying don t tell me about the lake Sandra later found out through research that the squirrel responded that way because they are likely to drown in water Segment 4 Animals know that what you focus on will grow Animals create more change coming from such a high place There is no less consciousness in a flea than there is in a whale Size does not matter When Sandra spoke to chimps at first they came off as very grumpy but later they said they know how much us humans are doing to help them and they really appreciate it Click here to visit this podcast episode

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