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The Alchemist Lounge

Dec 21, 2022

The use of psychedelics allows for healing and transformation. However, a lot of people shy away from it primarily because of the stigma associated with it. That’s why education and training are important when we talk about psychedelics. The use of psychedelics is a skill just like you’re learning how to play jiu-jitsu or you’re learning how to cook.

If you’re interested in how psychedelics can impact and bring healing to your life, a great starting point is something called microdosing. The beauty of it is you don't need to be as worried about every little thing having to be perfect because you can just take a little bit and see how you feel. You can start to calibrate how you feel with it, without having to risk a bad acid trip.

In today’s conversation, we talk all about psychedelics and microdosing with Paul Austin, author of the book, Mastering Microdosing: How to Use Sub-Perceptual Psychedelics to Heal Trauma, Improve Performance, and Transform Your Life. Paul shares his knowledge and insights into psychedelics and microdosing, their benefits, and some things you need to know about!

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Paul’s journey with psychedelics and microdosing
  • The benefits of psychedelics and microdosing
  • The history of psychedelics
  • Who is microdosing for?
  • Things you will learn from the book, Mastering Microdosing
  • Other tips on microdosing
  • Two fundamental ways to work with psychedelics

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Supporting Resources:

Mastering Microdosing: How to Use Sub-Perceptual Psychedelics to Heal Trauma, Improve Performance, and Transform Your Life by Paul Austin

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

Episode Credits

If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at  Let them know we sent you.