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The Naked Truth About Real Estate Investing

Nov 25, 2022

In this episode, Isabelle Guarino-Smith breaks down residential assisted living and the importance of providing quality care and support for the elderly. Discover this niche's advantages over the traditional and huge senior care facilities, and why demographics should be the top factor when investing in real estate. Stay tuned!


Key takeaways to listen for 

  • 6 reasons to invest in residential assisted living facilities
  • What’s wrong with the typical large senior housing facilities?
  • 2 mistakes you should avoid as a new assisted living investor
  • A guide to owning and operating a residential assisted living property
  • The main benefit of investing in residential assisted living 


Resources mentioned in this episode

RAL 101


About Isabelle Guarino-Smith

Isabelle is a graduate of Arizona State University, a former flight attendant, a Walt Disney World intern, and now Residential Assisted Living Academy’s leading lady. She has been working as the COO of the company for the last 6 years, keeping everyone in line and on task. She's been featured in many magazines and articles on the topic of Senior Housing and most recently was given the title of one of the "Top Influencers in Senior Housing." Isabelle also won Aging Media's "The Future Leaders of Assisted Living" award in 2020, being 2 of 100's under 30 to make the list. 


Connect with Isabelle


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