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Krull: The Movie About Going Places

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Remember the movie with the glaive The circle with a whole bunch of blades on it that you throw and it cuts stuff Yeah that s about all we remember from this movie as well As it turns out this was just our brains way of protecting us from extreme trauma Willow and The Last Starfighter were oh yeah that s why I fondly remember experiences Krull is not one of them Hold our hands and offer us reassuring smiles as we subject ourselves to this two hour soul-crushing so that you don t have to A space emperor alien monster comes to an iron age planet to marry a human woman and is ultimately killed by the power of love channeled through two people who quite literally just met and shoot fire from their love Or something I need a drink Special shout out to Jay who did a wizardly job of editing this episode because Benny refuses to get his crap together and use a half-decent mic Saddle up kids – A solid actual 1 5th of this entire movie is spent in silent travel footage Let that marinade in your brain for a little bit – Why are alien warriors – capable of extra-solar space travel and possessing laser weapons – engaging in sloppy medieval melee combat And why do they turn into blood sperm when they die – Jay is overwhelmed by the severely aggressive musical score – We almost forgot how nightmare fuel that Cyclops was – Liam Neeson admits to having 7-8 wives and it s hilarious because reasons – The glaive is absolutely useless as are the special effects throughout this horrible visual vomit – Honestly we re-watched this like a week ago and are back to remembering very little about it Click here to visit this podcast episode

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