Wives Helping Wives With Teleshia Delmar

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The reality is that being a wife and mom is a very big job You re cooking cleaning and taking care of the kids and the house stuff And as soon as you check off 3 things off your to-do list 5 more things get added back on You re struggling to balance it all and keep a smile on your face because deep down inside you re feeling Discouraged because you feel like the things that are important to you doesn t matter and you re not getting the support you really need Disappointed because you feel like you re talking to a brick wall and are often misunderstood and there are too many heated arguments and silent treatments Disconnected because you re co-existing living like roommates instead of lovemates just sharing space kids and bills with little physical or emotional connection Let s face it your wife life has not panned out exactly how you had imagined and you re too embarrassed to admit it Teleshia Delmar can help you with your wife life Click here to visit this podcast episode

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