Lisa A Romano Breakdown to Breakthroughs On the New York City Podcast Network

Ultimate Revenge On A Narcissist

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In this episode you will learn about one of the significant struggles victims of narcissistic abuse encounter when they first begin to understand they have been exploited by someone who only viewed them as a source of narcissistic supply Narcissistic abuse is insidious and can lead to mental and physical health issues Not being able to trust your perception of reality is one of the most damaging impacts of narcissistic abuse and learning to reorient yourself to reality takes time It is not uncommon for victims of narcissistic abuse to get stuck feeling and believing the narcissist has gotten away with bad behavior In this episode Lisa A Romano codependency and narcissistic abuse expert reveals the wisdom you need to avoid becoming another source of narcissistic supply Healing trauma is an upgrade in consciousness You cannot heal trauma from the same level of consciousness that experienced the trauma The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program is the TRANSFORMATIONAL BLUEPRINT you need to find the road back to the authentic self despite a painful past https www lisaaromano com 12wbcp Click here to visit this podcast episode

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