Veterans Corner Radio William N Hodges On the New York City Podcast Network

Why Should You Fill Out VA Questionnaires And What Do They Do With The Information. Data Gathering Is A Big Part Of The VA’s Effort Of Patient Services Improvement And You Can Make A Difference By Filling Out The Forms And Even Within The Hospitals Commen

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Have you ever wondered where the information went when you filled out a VA questionnaire or submitted one of the comment slips around the VA hospital Well wonder no more The buck stops HERE Performance improvement gets to see and process all the comments and suggestions they do not fall into a deep dark hole to be forever forgotten Believe it or not they actually solicit ideas from VA patients and their families on how the program could run more smoothly Listen in to hear Johnathan Esteban Chief Performance Improvement Health Administration Service at one of the largest medical complexes the James A Haley VA Hospital talk about how you can be effective in helping them serve you Season 2 Episode 15Click here to visit this podcast episode

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